Domain Driven API Design
Were you ever forced to use an API you don't understand? You hated more or less. Do you want to create APIs someone would love (or at least won't hate)?
The talk discusses those questions using a sample and using Domain Story Telling and Event Storming. Out of them, you will get nice APIs, which your developers won’t hate.
- Introducing a task management system with results out of a domain storytelling and event storming
- Context Map based on the Event Storming
- Hands on in groups: Discussion of the interfaces - asynchronous vs. synchronous
- Hands on in groups: Definition of the interfaces using OpenAPI and AsyncAPI
- Discussion of the interfaces
Max. Teilnehmendenzahl: 30
Es wird ein Rechner mit einer Entwicklungsumgebung benötigt.
Dieser Workshop muss zusätzlich gebucht werden.
Annegret is an chief software architect at codecentric AG. She has worked in software development for over 30 years. She worked in quite different roles such as product owner, programmer and architect and quite different domains such as automotive and insurance. Especially is she interested in domain driven design, microservices and everything along with it. Especially, she takes care for good and nice APIs.
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Ferdi is a Developer and Consultant at codecentric. He is passionate about Software Craft and Domain-Driven Design (DDD), and advocates for close collaboration to enhance quality. Ferdi co-hosts the Software Craft Leipzig Meetup and believes that hands-on sessions are the best way to learn new skills and techniques.