
How to Read Code (Properly)

Why are we always complaining about old code? Why are we rarely happy when digging into old stuff, especially old code by other people?

It is very tempting to believe that you can easily do it better than that. And that you can improve the situation by rewriting code. By making stuff simpler. In the first park of this talk, I will dive into why we believe this. Expect some insights into psychology and into how our brains work :)

Second part: Why we are wrong, most of the times. Again, this will be about psychology and biases, about code reading and about the IT as a business.

I'm Anja, Principal Fullstack Engineer working at Mister Spex @ Berlin, Germany. We are right now breaking down a monolith and replacing parts of it by future-ready technology. Previously, I have worked for eBay.
Also, I'm sports enthusiast and current local champion in wakeskating. I love to find and cross the borders of what seems achievable.

Anja Kunkel

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